East Ottawa Girls Hockey Association participates in a house league program that starts in September and runs through to March. The majority of house league ice is on the weekends with practices typically on Saturdays and games on Sundays.
Age Categories for 2024-2025 season (age as of December 31 of each hockey season):
You can expect to play in three or four tournaments with at least one being out of town The majority of our practices and games are at the Ray Friel Recreation Center in Orleans with some practices at Ottawa University. The season ends with play-offs and a Championship weekend that occurs in March.
In addition to the registration fee, there are team fees which cover tournament registration fees, goalie training, some practice ice and other team expenses. Team fees typically range from $250 to $400. To view the registration fees at the various age group please visit http://eastottawastarsgha.rampregistrations.com/participant.
For more information on House League, please contact VP House at vphouse@gcgh.ca